Thursday, October 31, 2013

Creating Form For Macro In Microsoft Access

1) Creating A Form
2) Adding a Command Button to the form
3) Manually set the properties for Command Button
5) Adding an Event Listener to the Command Button
6) Running the Form

1) Creating A Form

1.1) Click Create Tab.
Click Form Design button.
1.2) Outcome:

2) Adding a Command Button to the form

2.1) Click Design Tab.
Click the Command Button.
2.2) Click and drag the mouse on the Form Detail Section to make a box shape for the button.
2.3) The Command Button Wizard window automatically pops up.
Click Cancel.
2.4) Outcome:
The button is given a default name Command0.

3) Manually set the properties for Command Button

3.1) Right-hand click the Command0 button.
3.2) In the Property Sheet type “Hello World!” in the Caption field.
Close the Property Sheet window.
3.3) Outcome:
4) Running the Form
4.1) Click the Form View button.
4.2) Outcome:

5) Adding an Event Listener to the Command Button

5.1) Click the Event Tab.
In the On Click field, find the name “mcrHelloWorld”.

6) Running the Form

6.1) Click the Form View button.
6.2) Outcome:

Creating A Macro In Microsoft Office Access

1) Creating A Macro
2) Macro User-Interface
3) Hiding Objects Panel
4) Adding a command
5) Command and Arguments
6) Running A Macro
7) Closing Macro Window
8) Finding Macro Object in Objects Panel

1) Creating A Macro

  1. Click Create Tab
  2. Click Macro Button

2) Macro User-Interface

3) Hiding Objects Panel

3.1) Click the close icon on top right of Objects Panel to close the panel and give more space to Macro Editor Panel

4) Adding a command

  1. Click the drop-down button and select MessageBox
  1. Outcome:

5) Command and Arguments

5.1) Type “Hello World!” in the Message field.
5.2) Set Type field to Information.
5.3) Type “Our first message”

6) Running A Macro

6.1) Click the Run button.
6.2) You may be prompted to save your macro first.
6.3) Save it as “mcrHelloWorld”
6.4) Outcome:

7) Closing Macro Window

7.1) Look at the top right corner of the Macro Editor panel.
Click the close button.
(Notice that you will see the “Close ‘mcrHelloWorld’” when your mouse hovers the right close button)

8) Finding Macro Object in Objects Panel

8.1) You can find the Macro “mcrHelloWorld” under the title “Macros” in the Objects Panel.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

MS Office 2014 For Linux

The sudden change of heart is apparently due to Linux showing “commercial viability,” and because Microsoft is reportedly already working on Office for Android. Android, as you may already know, is a Linux-based operating system, meaning a lot of the porting work will have already been done — it shouldn’t take too much effort to take the next step and bring Office to Ubuntu, or whichever distro Microsoft favors.


MS Office 2014 (V.15) Preview

MS Access 2013 For Beginners: Understanding Navigation Panel.

1) Navigation Panel allows you to view the objects contained within your Database Document.

2) Access Objects can be categorized into Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports etc.

3) You can minimize the panel by clicking the double arrow in the upper-right corner of the panel.
Once it is minimized, you can click the double arrow again to restore the panel width.

4) You can sort the Access Objects items by clicking the drop-down arrow beside the double arrow and selecting the sort order option.

5) You can hide any Access Object items by clicking the upward double arrow as shown below:

MS Access 2013 For Beginners: Understanding Application Window Components

The Microsoft Access 2013 Application Window is divided into the following components. By understanding the role of each of them, users would be able to work with Microsoft Access 2013 Database Document efficiently.
a) Quick Access Toolbar
b) Document Title
c) Ribbon Tabs
d) Ribbons (with command buttons)
e) Object Navigator
f) Main Panel (currently displaying the selected object, i.e Contact Details Form)